Pluralsight online learning
- 5 stages of grief
- Denial
- Anger
- Bargaining
- Depression
- More denial
- Focusing on your weaknesses leads to mediocre results. Focus on your top 5 strengths instead.
- Leadership is not just for management it is for everyone
- Find someone who can show you the ropes
- Make it a goal to help and empower others
- Be kind
- Help them to unlock their potential
- Take part in a leadership off-site program
- Negotiation is a skill you can learn. Use anchoring. Can be used on behalf of your team to get budget, resources etc..
- 3 virtues
- Humble (no ego, no status, share credit)
- Hungry (self motivated, diligent, passion for more learning, responsible)
- Smart (Active listener, sensitivity, empathy)
- Tools
- Personality traits
- DISC digram (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Compliance)
- Limit multitasking. Most people are not good at it (even if they think they are). Do one thing at the time
- The 3 inevitable things in life: death, Tax, powerpoint. So better get comfortable with it.
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel” – Maya Angelou
- Give tribute, to start conversations
- What changes can I encourage my team to make
“If you actions inspire other to dream more, to learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader” – John Quincy Adams
- In doubt (about quitting a job) ask yourself
- Have you done everything you can do
- If you left now, would you have any regrets?
- None of these things requires you to be a manager or have a fancy title
- Think about the impact you can have on other people and just at work
- You do not need permission to be awesome
- Go maximise your talents, go take ownership and responsibilities, go be courages, go inspire others, go be awesome
Recommended books
- The ideal team player, by Patrick Lencioni
- Strength finder, by Tom Rath