- The product owner is the one responsible for the success of the product
- Have a clear and inspiring product vision
- Be(come) the owner of the Product Vision (PV):
- The most successful PO are passionate about their product and PV
- Share your PV often, again and again
- It is sooo important for people to know why you are doing the things you do
- Don’t believe your idea is the best ever
- you develop the product for the customers and the stakeholders
- Develop your vision iteratively and incrementally
- Adapt your vision as you are learning
- Adapt your vision pitch based about your target audience
- Focus on value for customers and users, not tech
- Keep your vision short clear and inspiring
- For [Target Audience]
- Who [Statement of need and opportunity]
- The [Product name] is [Product category]
- That [Key benefit, reason why]
- Unlike [primary competitive alternative, similar product]
- Our product [Statement of primary differentiation]
- Make the vision fit in the company vision and strategy
- Validate your vision with stakeholders, the scrum team, the market