Stuff on Scrum

Original, 2024Hamster_gagarin_linkedin
hamster writter This summary note was posted on 21 September 2024, by in Agile #
  • Deliver business value by improving customer outcomes
  • The role of the manager is to create and maintain an environment where scrum teams can become and stay successful
  • An agile leader should serve teams into building the capacity to deal with change and uncertainty
  • Comparing team performance often leads to unnecessary tensions
    • Focus on the value they deliver and on identifying impediments that hinder their performance
  • Agile leaders are primary Serving leaders
  • Teams that work in empirical ways are continuously taking risks, creating innovative ideas, providing feedback
  • Empirical principles : Transparency | Inspection | Adaptation
  • Scrum values: Commitment | Focus | Openness | Respect | Courage
  • Rituals: Sprint planning | Daily scrum | Sprint review | Sprint retro
    • Sprint planning is time boxed at most 8hrs, once per month
    • Daily scrum depends on back log items -> only dev normally
    • The sprint backlog is updated by the developers throughout the the sprint as more is learned
    • Accountability belongs to the scrum team as a whole
    • Sprint review is 4hrs or less
    • Sprint retro is max 3hrs
  • Create and nurture a culture in which experimentation and learning are embraced
  • Collaborate with employees at all levels to create a greater goal for the company and the teams
  • Agile focus: Goals > Organisation > Culture
  • The role of management is to design, monitor ad correct the system to make sure that the organisation achieves its goals

Culture is the none copyable “Je ne sais quoi” that makes your organisation unique

  • Agile leaders foster a culture that supports empiricism and learnings
    • You can’t dictate a culture, you can only create the right conditions for it to emerge
  • Fail 15: Not applying empirical processes ad control: Be agile vs doing agile
  • The team will have to acquire new skills, to learn based on evidence, to sort out their dependencies with others, and to identify and remove waste
  • Fail 16: Rethink the enterprise in terms of projects rather than in terms of products
  • Release quality once every month at least
  • People ought to go where the work is
  • The agile coach is a change agent who deserves time from executives
  • Sprint goal > Daily sprint: To do, doing, done > Milestones
  • Dont become a zombie scrum team
    • Allowed to fail fast | Learn fast because of the steady release
    • Need a sense of urgency
    • What type of impact the team would like to achieve within the upcoming sprint
    • Use retrospectives not to drag out the same problems but to dream big
    • A transformation approach might be better suited than an incremental one
  • Don’t be a proxy between stakeholders and the devs.
  • Agile scaling is about people
    • You allow for self-organisation
  • What motivates people?
    • Autonomy
    • Mastery
    • Purpose

Changing people’s behaviour is not about changing people but changing the context which they are in. The smell of the place

Prof. Sumantra Ghoshal