The Lean Strategy

Original by Balle, Jones, Chaize, FIume, 2024Hamster_gagarin_linkedin
hamster writter This summary note was posted on 21 September 2024, by in Management Personal Development #
  • Transform your thinking:
    • Lean is a strategy and a way of thinking
    • 1st pursuit by everyone in the organisation of making things better
    • The key of success is not a lean organisation but a lean thinking
    • Instead of thinking things big occasionally, make continuous small changes that incrementally improves the company
    • this is a learned culture
  • Build a lean learning environment by allowing employees to apply Kaizen. Kaizen teaches how to identify problems and solve them. Use 4 main tools:
    • Setting standards with visual management
    • Kanban, fix length tasks
    • Allow experimenting
    • Learn for Growth (learn how to learn)
  • Have a people centric approach
  • Avoid building over complicated processes
  • Focus on growth rather than cot reduction
  • Products are a stream of value
  • Keep on improving systematically
  • Its the evolution of the technical processes
  • Innovate with Kaizen
  • Do meaningful work (engaged employees)
    • Derive meaning from progress
    • Link to overall company strategy so that employees can see their progress contributing to the whole
  • Ask yourself:
    • How do we satisfy the customer better?
    • How do we work easier?
    • How do we reduce overall cost?
    • How do we learn faster together?
  • Create an environment where employees can make small mistakes so it also helps them learning by experimenting
  • Avoid pitfall of returning to the old ways of working, keep at it