Lean principles

Original by Reinie, 2020Hamster_gagarin_linkedin
hamster writter This summary note was posted on 11 April 2020, by in Management #, #, #, #, #

More space for quality and reduce cost

5 lean principles

  1. Value for the customer
  2. Value stream
  3. Flow
  4. Pull
  5. Strive for perfection

1. Value for the customer

  • Listen to customer, summarise its needs
  • Moments of truth: occasions when the customer has direct contact with the organisation
  • Kano model: gains insight into customer’s need
    • Dis-satisfiers: basic requirements
    • Satisfiers: what makes the customer happy
    • Delighters: Unexpected features that wow the customer
  • Customer forum: A tool to brush up on customer’s best practices and requirements

2. Value stream

  • Succession of activities required to transform input into output
  • Want to identify where the value for the customer is located within the process
  • Identify waste in the process
  • Value analysis
    • Value added
    • non value added
    • business non value added
  • 8 types of wastes TIMWOODS
    • Transport: unnecessary movements
    • Inventory: having more stock than necesary
    • Motion: unnecessary actions
    • Waiting: waiting time between activities
    • Overprocessing
    • Overproduction
    • Defects
    • Skills: not making the best use of employees’ skills
  • Other type of waste method: DOWN TIME
  • Overall process efficiency (OPE) = Value added time / Working hours

3. Flow

  • Overall Process efficiency
    1. Rigidity (resources)
    2. Management time
    3. Variability
    4. Processind time
    5. Training, coaching…
  • Map the process to better identify potential bottle necks
  • Ensure that you monitor the new process

4. Pull

  • Production only starts when there is a customer demand (vs push when it is made in advance

5. Strive for perfection

  • Always room for improvement
  • Kaizen
    • Take small steps
    • Use PCDA cycle for easy step (Plan, Do, Check, Act)
    • Describe the problem
    • Map the current situation
    • Set goals
    • Experiment
    • Check how you are doing
    • Standardise
  • Counter measures: consider highest impact and minimum effort actions first
  • Determine root cause using the 5x WHY technique

Stages of Change

  1. Denial
  2. Resistance
  3. Exploration
  4. Acceptance
  5. Dread

The Change compass

  • Can influence the first 4 points
    1. believe in it -> set the example
    2. Understand it
    3. Necessary knowledge and skills
    4. Sufficient support and ressources
    5. They want to realise it (up to the employee)

OOPS feedback model (to give to co-worker)

  • Observation: I see that…
  • Outcome: how the observation affects you
  • Pause: It is something you can relate to
  • Suggestion: I would like to

Sit in

  • Employee observed by the management while he is at work
  • Purpose:
    • Improve performance
    • use standard operation procedure (SOP)
    • Identify and encourage expertise
  • Can combine with coaching

5S method

  • Sort
  • Set in order
  • Shone
  • Standardise (create structure)
  • Sustain

Typical organisation

  • Daily stand up meeting (identify surprises early)
  • Weekly stand up meeting
  • Improvement board
  • Strategic goals are converted to sub-goals that can be realised in a short period of time (3 months)
  • Use performance dialogue to achieve sub-goals (structure, effectiveness, coaching, be dynamic)