Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Original by Reinie, 2024Hamster_gagarin_linkedin
hamster writter This summary note was posted on 5 September 2024, by in Personal Development #, #
  • Coworker seems lazy but gets everything done -> on other works she/he does not work the way YOU want.
  • MBTI : Myers Briggs Type Indicator, based on Carl Jung work
    • Based on how do we experience the world
    • It is an assessment not a test
    • 4 areas: Sensation, Intuition, Feeling, Thinking
  • Example: ISTJ – A
    • I/E: Introvert or Extrovert. It is your focus inwards or outwards
    • S : Sensing. How do you prefer to take in information
    • T : Feeling or Thinking/ How do you prefer to make decisions
    • J : Perception or Judging. How do you prefer to live your outer life
    • A/T: Analyst 
  • How to get most out of the test
    • Drawback: Edge effect, boxed in. You are either in the category or out
    • provides a good free test
    • Do not generalize from it, otherwise you are stereotyping 
    • Do not answer what you want to be (look at your own history)
    • Do not overthink the questions
    • Forgive poorly worded questions
    • Answer based on your gut
  • Introvert
    • Prefers slow pace with time to think
    • Tend to think things through in their heads
  • Extrovert
    • Like to be in a fast pace environment
    • Likes to discuss things aloud
  • Sensing
    • Focus on reality
    • Likes facts and details
    • Literal
  • Intuition
    • Focus on the big picture
    • Pay attention to how things connect
    • Describes things figuratively
  • Feeling
    • Values harmony and forgiveness
    • Likes to please others and point out the best in people
  • Thinking
    • Impersonal way
    • Values justice and fairness
    • Enjoy finding flows in arguments
  • Perceiving
    • Prefers options opened
    • See rules as flexible
    • Likes to improvise
    • Enjoy surprises
  • Judging
    • Prefer to have matters settled
    • Deadlines are king
    • Prefer to have detailed instructions
    • Makes plans
    • Likes to know the fine prints
  • Applying the information we have
    • Make profile for customer, colleagues, boss
  • Do not use the terminology of the MBTI results
    • Leads to shortcuts, generalizations, stereotyping and misinterpretations
    • Use “I like to …” or “I Prefer to …,  “I tend to …”
    • Tell a story