Positive Influence

Original by Reinie, 2024Hamster_gagarin_linkedin
hamster writter This summary note was posted on 5 September 2024, by in Management #
  • Cultivate your personal power
    • Social competence
    • Referent power (trustworthiness)
    • Expertise
    • History of previous success
  • Persuasive communication: clear, intelligible and fair reasons to support an idea
  • Part of being a lead is to challenge how things are done (change management)
    • You need to explicitly ask for change
    • Don’t be afraid to speak up
  • You need to ask for what you want
    • But pay attention to how you ask
    • Understand where they are coming from
    • You want people to work with you
    • Show what is in it for them
  • Avoid closed-end questions and favour open-ended questions
  • Acknowledge opposing perspectives
    • You want the conversation to move forward
    • Don’t want the discussion to be a debate of opposite statements
  • Provide reasonable options everyone can agree on. Without compromising the dignity of others
  • Every organisation has its own politics. Playing politics is almost always considered a negative. But it does not have to be.
    • Practice positive politics it can be a way of building influence
  • Look @ behaviours and mindset
    • Look at what needs to change
    • How do you shift them once you know
  • When you use influence it promotes the best interests of the organisation. The company benefits as a whole
  • Ask yourself who the real power are
    • Who are your allies
    • Where are the gaps
  • Know that relationships are not one sided
  • Promote best interest
  • Move towards completion of organisational goals
  • Eliminate negative politics
    • Sometimes by getting closer to negatives forces
    • Be curious but be guarded with what your share
    • Try to understand their goals
  • Consider the impact you have on the organisation, focus long term
  • Stay positive yourself. Avoid passing on hearsay.
  • Safer to assume that what you say is going to be repeated
  • Choose your topic of conversation carefully
  • Don’t take sides and don’t get drawn into pointless arguments
  • Give and take interactions require reciprocity
  • Successful managers identify new relationships that are vital for their future
  • Fair and unifying goal
    • Start with a neutral goal
    • Put shared metric on place
    • Promote shared standards and objectives
    • Build a bandwagon but let the evidence of success inspire others. Don ‘tforce people to get on board.